The British government is planning far-reaching measures in the fight against ransomware attacks. A new draft law stipulates that public institutions and operators of critical infrastructure will no longer be allowed to make ransom payments to cyber criminals in future.
The British Home Office published a corresponding consultation draft on January 14. This aims to better protect hospitals, schools, railroads and other essential public services from the growing threat of ransomware. The extension of the existing payment ban for government agencies is intended to make critical services less attractive targets for cyber criminals.
Mandatory reporting of ransomware incidents planned
In addition to the payment ban, the draft also provides for mandatory reporting of ransomware incidents. The knowledge gained from this should help the British law enforcement authorities to combat ransomware gangs.
The establishment of a “Ransomware Payment Prevention Regime” is also planned. This is intended to provide victims with recommendations for action and help block payments to known criminal groups and sanctioned entities.