Survey: Apple Intelligence

Data protection concerns: Do companies trust Apple’s AI?

Image source: robert coolen /

While Apple Intelligence opens up exciting new possibilities, the new developments also raise concerns among users and technology experts.

The focus is on data protection issues, as the integration of advanced AI systems could potentially lead to deeper data analysis and more extensive data collection procedures.


Although Apple enjoys a reputation as a privacy-first and data protection-friendly company, the potential for misuse or data leaks cannot be completely ruled out. How deeply Apple Intelligence penetrates personal information to deliver customized user experiences is still unclear and there are doubts as to whether Apple can maintain its high data protection standards.

A recent survey by Storyblok provides insights into the use of AI in companies and their perception of Apple Intelligence compared to OpenAI. The results show that most executives are not yet convinced that Apple has made progress against OpenAI to solve the privacy problem of AI.

39 percent of respondents trust Apple Intelligence and OpenAI equally, while 20 percent have less trust in Apple Intelligence. Nonetheless, Apple’s significant entry into generative AI means that 55 percent of executives surveyed feel more comfortable using AI. 55 percent of those surveyed also stated that they plan to use generative AI regularly this year.

This positive attitude also has an impact on companies’ purchasing decisions: 45 percent of respondents say that generative AI functions are an important part of the decision to purchase new software; only 20 percent say they are not important. This indicates that AI is increasingly being integrated into business processes and the relevance of AI in software purchasing is growing.

Dominik Angerer, CEO and co-founder of Storyblok, says: “Although the use of generative AI continues to grow, our survey shows that even Apple cannot dispel concerns about data protection. However, as soon as Apple’s huge customer base becomes accustomed to AI as an integral part of their devices and digital experiences, users will expect to see AI everywhere else. This will strengthen trust in AI overall and increase demand for AI-supported experiences among companies and consumers.

Apple’s approach of building AI into the overall user experience, rather than just using it as a standalone feature, is also in line with our view: we believe that AI should be used throughout the content lifecycle.”

Methodology of the survey

International survey of 150 C-level/senior management executives, conducted with Pollfish



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