Study by WEF and Accenture

Quantum technologies as a 2 trillion dollar opportunity


In their latest study, the World Economic Forum and Accenture show how quantum technologies will generate an economic potential of up to 2 trillion dollars by 2035 and transform entire industries.

In the midst of a technological revolution, quantum technologies are quietly becoming the foundation of a new economy – an economy that is redefining our notions of security, innovation and economic growth. The World Economic Forum’s latest report, Embracing the Quantum Economy: A Pathway for Business Leaders, makes it clear: companies that embrace quantum technologies today will lead the economy of tomorrow.


The three key pillars of the quantum revolution

Quantum computing is changing the IT world

The quantum computer promises enormous computing power for complex problems. Initial applications in the financial sector and materials science demonstrate its disruptive potential. By 2035, this sector alone will generate 450-850 billion dollars in economic output.

Quantum sensor technology opens up new possibilities


Extremely precise quantum sensors are creating revolutionary diagnostic possibilities in medicine and new approaches in environmental monitoring. The market potential is estimated at 100-200 billion dollars.

Quantum communication guarantees security

Encryption technologies based on the laws of quantum mechanics promise “unbreakable” communication. The annual market value is 50-100 billion dollars.

The key challenges

Technological hurdles

Economic risks

  • High investment costs with unclear ROI
  • Technological uncertainty
  • Shortage of skilled workers

Industries in focus

Financial services: The first wave of quantum applications will revolutionize the financial industry – from portfolio optimization to fraud detection.

IT & telecommunications: Quantum technologies will take cyber defense to a new level and enable completely new security architectures.

Pharma & Healthcare: Quantum technologies are opening up ground-breaking opportunities in drug research and disease diagnostics.

Conclusion & outlook

The quantum revolution will fundamentally change the global economy in the coming years. Companies need to set the course now to avoid missing the boat. The World Economic Forum (WEF) report provides executives with the key insights and strategies to help them harness the power of quantum.

Direct link to the World Economic Forum report “Embracing the Quantum Economy: A Pathway for Business Leaders”


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