Extreme weather as the "new normal"

Big data, AI and ML: Resilient infrastructure against extreme weather conditions

Big Data

The extreme weather events of summer 2023 show the catastrophic impact climate change can have on infrastructure and communities.

In this summer of extremes, countries struggled with the consequences of scorching heat, raging forest fires and devastating floods. According to the State of the Climate in Europe 2022 report, decades of accelerated warming will have far-reaching effects on the region’s socio-economic fabric and ecosystems.


The climate emergency in Europe and worldwide means that extreme weather events and their effects are becoming more frequent and more intense. Experts from the United Nations World Meteorological Organization believe that extreme weather is the “new normal”, which forms the long-term basis for the increasing occurrence and severity of such extreme weather events. Protecting communities from the damaging effects of drastic heat, cold or humidity requires a resilient infrastructure.

Digital technologies are helping to develop solutions that mitigate some of the catastrophic consequences of events caused by climate change. The British railroad company Network Railway, for example, uses remote monitoring systems and drones to receive early warning of overheating in its infrastructure. Similarly, Deutsche Bahn has installed temperature sensors to detect possible malfunctions of air conditioning systems.

The proactive approach

New technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are helping authorities to design infrastructures that can withstand extreme weather conditions. This also includes the use of generative AI to create synthetic data. This data can be used to simulate conditions that serve as design parameters for the design of the infrastructure. The simulation of countless situations for a city helps to understand their effects and to develop suitable solutions for supply chains, communication, hospitals, water supply and power outages.

AI and ML solutions also improve the forecasting of such weather conditions. The use of additional sensors to record real-time weather data and satellite images of hurricanes, hurricanes and forest fires also helps to update the forecast models more precisely and quickly. In addition, continuous monitoring of citizens’ movements and hotspots of crowds can also help predict the impact. Location-based solutions improve accessibility in all eventualities. Such crowd management simulations, which are carried out in particular on the basis of real-time data, help to set up the first response in the event of bad weather conditions and serious infrastructure problems.

The reactive approach

One of the most important prerequisites for managing a resilient infrastructure is the establishment of a command center. This includes setting up a robust, highly available communications infrastructure that uses both mobile (5G) and satellite technologies as well as the CBRS spectrum (Citizens Broadband Radio Service). This is the only way to ensure stable communication with the relevant authorities and first responders.

This ensures risk-free coordination between the various authorities. In addition, citizens and first responders can be reached via cell phones, social media and other means of communication to disseminate warnings. This ensures a faster warning.

Location-based technologies make it possible to track critical infrastructures and facilities. At the same time, the need for paramedics, medicines, blood reserves or ambulances, for example, can be estimated. These technologies also help to track damage and victims and support communication.

Similar technology solutions are also used to assess situations caused by extreme weather conditions. The use of drones assesses and monitors the situation in remote or inaccessible regions without range restrictions. They can also be used to supply essential goods such as medicines, drinking water and food parcels.

Similarly, IoT sensors work to collect information for damage assessment, location tracking, consequence analysis and more. The use of mobile power generators such as solar farms or power generators serves to cover part of the power requirements for critical infrastructures.

The knowledge gained from the individual incidents is recorded digitally with the aim of creating a digital knowledge database that can be accessed to research possible solutions in this area.

To summarize:

Solutions such as hospitals on wheels, remote patient monitoring, remote care, virtual learning and more help people recover quickly after crisis situations by providing alternative infrastructure for critical needs such as medical treatment, mobile communication, etc.

There are various ways in which technology can help to make infrastructure more resilient to extreme weather conditions and natural events. This creates sustainable added value for communities as well as for organizations and government agencies.

Raghavendra K.A

K. A.


Global Head of Engineering, IoT- and Blockchain Practice



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