Anti-Scraping Feature
A conflict is brewing in artificial intelligence (AI): website operators versus AI companies. At the center is the question of who controls online content. The network services provider Cloudflare is now intervening with a new anti-scraping feature.
AI development
A major challenge in AI development is the effort required to obtain and label real-world data. A 2023 Gartner survey identified data availability as one of the top five barriers to implementing generative AI. Synthetic data can help address this issue.
Since the release of ChatGPT, cybersecurity experts have been wondering how to control the falsification of GenAI. They initially assumed a threat scenario, namely that the output of GenAI is already being distorted by data poisoning.
AI gadget
A critical security vulnerability has been discovered in the Rabbit R1 virtual assistant. According to reports, the company Rabbit has stored several important API keys directly in the source code of the device, potentially making user data accessible to hackers.
Computer vision and the data-centric AI pipeline
Data-Centric AI (DCAI) represents a pioneering approach in AI by focusing on the quality and relevance of data to optimize machine learning models and system performance.
Controversial training of the software
The Facebook group Meta wanted to use public posts from users in Europe to train its AI models. After pressure from data protectionists, nothing will come of it for the time being.
Google fires the next AI salvo: The Gemini model is set to outdo Microsoft, Amazon & Co. But how does the Group plan to monetize it? The battle between the tech giants is coming to a head. An interview with Dr. Thomas Thiele, Principal in the Innovation Practice at


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