APT Group Cozy Bear
The German software provider TeamViewer claims to have been the victim of a cyberattack. On Wednesday, TeamViewer’s security team detected an “anomaly” in the internal IT environment, TecDax announced on its website.
AI gadget
A critical security vulnerability has been discovered in the Rabbit R1 virtual assistant. According to reports, the company Rabbit has stored several important API keys directly in the source code of the device, potentially making user data accessible to hackers.
Controversial training of the software
The Facebook group Meta wanted to use public posts from users in Europe to train its AI models. After pressure from data protectionists, nothing will come of it for the time being.
End of the 16-digit card number
Mastercard announces that it will introduce the tokenization of credit cards for online payments throughout Europe by 2030. Manually entering the 16-digit card number will then be a thing of the past.
Cash injection
The US car giant General Motors is supporting its robotaxi company Cruise with a financial injection of 850 million dollars. This will give the company time to finalize strategic considerations regarding the future of Cruise, GM manager Paul Jacobson said at a conference appearance on Tuesday.
Apple Intelligence
At this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC, Apple presented a new version of its in-house mobile operating system iOS. iOS 18 promises iPhone users significantly more flexibility when designing the home screen and AI features.
Competition for 1Password and LastPass
For a long time, third-party providers such as 1Password and LastPass dominated the password manager market. Now Apple wants to enter the market with its own in-house solution.


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