Quantum computing

Google’s Willow chip: preparation needed for the quantum era

Image source: egaranugrah / Shutterstock.com

Google has reached a milestone in quantum computing with its new “Willow” chip. According to Google, this chip can perform an extremely complex calculation in just five minutes.

With 105 qubits, Google has also developed a method that reduces error rates through optimized connections the more qubits are added.


This development around the Google Chip clearly shows that preparing for the quantum era is becoming urgent. The closer we get to the day when quantum computers can crack encryption, the more important it is for companies to adapt their security strategies. A key challenge here is to keep an eye on machine identities – i.e. cryptographic keys and digital certificates. Companies often have thousands or even hundreds of thousands of such identities, which will have to be replaced by quantum-safe alternatives in the future.

According to the Venafi study “Organizations Largely Unprepared for the Advent of 90-Day TLS Certificates“, 64 percent of security managers admit that they are not prepared for the post-quantum cryptography era. 67 percent lack an overview of their keys and certificates. However, many companies are ignoring the problem: 78 percent of security managers state that they would only react if a quantum computer were actually able to crack encryption. In addition, 60 percent believe that quantum computing poses no current or future threat to their business. 67 percent even consider the panic surrounding the topic to be exaggerated.

The platforms needed to prepare for the post-quantum world are already available. 86 percent of security experts agree that effective management of machine identities is the best way to manage future quantum risks. Companies can already use centralized solutions such as Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM), PKI-as-a-Service and Workload Identity Management. Automating these processes not only ensures that we are ready for the post-quantum era, but also provides efficient protection in securing machine identities today.




VP Security Strategy & Threat Intelligence



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