Pauline Dornig

Pauline Dornig

Protect data always and everywhere

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The days when company data was restricted to the company network are long gone. Today, it can be found practically everywhere: on the web, in the cloud and on a wide variety of end devices - including private ones. How can data security be implemented reliably and efficiently in such a world?

Kinsing malware still on the rise

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Aqua Security's Team Nautilus presents a study detailing the infrastructure, tactics, techniques and modus operandi of the dangerous Kinsing malware. Kinsing first appeared in 2019 and targets cloud-native infrastructures, such as misconfigured APIs.

DDoS attacks increase the most in EMEA

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Akamai Technologies, provider of web, cloud and security solutions, has presented its new "State of the Internet" report. This shows that the number of DDoS attacks is increasing most rapidly in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, Africa).